#archlinux32 | Logs for 2024-07-01

[00:58:58] -!- gehidore has joined #archlinux32
[01:37:53] -!- gehidore has quit [Quit: brb parkour]
[01:38:57] -!- gehidore has joined #archlinux32
[02:31:57] -!- lithiumpt has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[05:28:45] -!- lithiumpt has joined #archlinux32
[06:58:09] -!- T`aZ has joined #archlinux32
[07:25:14] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[10:27:28] -!- socksinspace has quit [Quit: WeeChat 3.8]
[10:29:53] -!- socksinspace has joined #archlinux32
[11:09:55] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[12:48:54] -!- AtleoS has joined #archlinux32
[13:01:42] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[13:05:19] -!- yanorei32 has joined #archlinux32
[13:18:46] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[15:23:25] -!- morriset has joined #archlinux32
[15:25:13] -!- morriset has quit [Client Quit]
[16:22:44] -!- phrik has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:24:03] -!- phrik has joined #archlinux32
[18:21:31] <bill-auger> openssh has a vulnerability - upstream has fixed it and most distros have upgarded already (including arch and archarm
[18:22:59] <bill-auger> https://www.qualys.com
[21:16:08] -!- AtleoS has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[21:16:28] -!- AtleoS has joined #archlinux32
[21:44:47] <KillerWasp> because the "#ifdef DO_LOG_SAFE_IN_SIGHAND" was accidentally removed from sigdie()
[21:44:59] <KillerWasp> "accidentally"! ha!
[22:19:07] -!- abouvier has quit [Quit: kthxbye]
[22:19:58] -!- abouvier has joined #archlinux32
[22:26:23] -!- AtleoS has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:27:12] -!- AtleoS has joined #archlinux32
[22:29:07] -!- mvchtz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:34:57] -!- mvchtz has joined #archlinux32
[23:36:26] -!- mvchtz has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[23:39:01] -!- mvchtz has joined #archlinux32